COVID-19 Post Crisis Trends
Brandcell Consulting has compiled for you from global sources a summary report on the major Post Corona forecasted trends and their impact on human behavior, brands and businesses.
Ecommerce shopping habits in Lebanon
A Brandcell Survey
Brandcell Consulting has conducted a survey to further understand the ecommerce market in Lebanon and its perception. Over 100 people participated in the survey through Survey Monkey online questionnaire. This revealed the ecommerce shopping habits in Lebanon and uncovered opportunities for retailers.
Assessing Services in Lebanon
A Brandcell Survey
Brandcell Consulting has conducted a small survey to investigate how customers perceive the various services in Lebanon. More than 50 people participated in the survey through a Survey Monkey online questionnaire. This revealed the way the Lebanese crowd assesses the digital and the human aspects in services, along with the best and worst customer services in the country.
Lebanese Millennials Consumption Preferences
A Brandcell Survey

Brandcell has conducted an online survey among 270 Millennials, among which the majority were university students, to understand what would be their spending priorities and preferences. 

What makes a great customer experience?
A Brandcell Survey
How is customer experience defined? Why is Customer Experience so important?
These questions and more are tackled in Brandcell Consulting's latest survey, to investigate what consumers believe are the qualities of great service. The online questionnaire also revealed the way services make Lebanese consumers feel and the sector that provide the best and worst customer service. 
Food Safety in Lebanon
A Survey by Brandcell
After the disclosure by the Lebanese government of a list of restaurants and food brands that were not abiding by hygiene and safety rules, Brandcell decided to conduct a small survey to understand how this scandal affected the customers, and accordingly the brands. 
Evolving from Branding to Business Design
A Brandcell Article
Our world is evolving, thanks to technology, at a much faster pace ushering change to most industries. In keeping up with these transformations, a holistic approach has become indispensable, especially when dealing with constantly-shifting consumer needs. In addressing these, ArabAd asked Joe Ayoub, CEO of one of the region’s leading branding agencies, Brandcell, about its new strategy and future plans for the Middle Eastern market.
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Feel the Brand Success
A Brandcell Article
Branding is a simple concept but complicated strategy to attain successfully. Branding is the emotional connection customers make with the certain brand or product. This emotional relationship adds value to the brand through the brand story, personality and values, as well as provides a competitive advantage over other products in the same industry.

Hospitality News Magazine talks to Brandcell Partner-Senior Consultant, Carole Ayoub.
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Imitator brands in times of crisis
A Brandcell Article

Carole Ayoub writes about the importance of differentiated brands in times of crisis.

"To be successful a brand needs to stand out from its competitors by promising relevant yet distinctly different benefits to its target market. It also needs to convey these benefits in everything from its brand name and identity to packaging and product performance.
By carefully selecting these benefits the brand not only sets itself apart as the preferred provider but also as the only viable solution for its customers’ needs. In other words, consumers are convinced this brand alone delivers what they’re seeking and they won’t accept substitutes even if it is not available. It is through this differentiation strategy that the brand becomes, in the minds of consumers, unique".

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The crucial importance of strategic branding
A Brandcell Article
"Branding as a philosophy is nothing new. But people use the name for a zillion different descriptions: from describing a corporate identify logo to delivering a complete brand strategy. Unfortunately in the Middle East and in Lebanon specifically, the understanding of the importance of strategic branding, , as opposed to design branding, is extremely low, even though the impact of having a good brand strategy is extremely high".
Joe Ayoub recognized the need for Levant-based companies to adopt the concept of strategic guidance, and writes about the motives behind creating Brandcell consultancy in 2008.
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The necessity of local brands to connect with consumers
A Brandcell Article
Why local brands need to do more to connect with consumers? In life generally, it's very difficult to trust someone that you don't know. If we take this premise and apply it to products, how can consumers be expected to chose Lebanese brands when so little is known about them?

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Why you need to think like a start-up!
A Brandcell Article
There was a time when the bigger and more established a company was, the more assured it felt in terms of staying power in the market. But those days are long gone, and today it's how much innovation a company embraces that decides whether it stays relevant or perishes. What this means for businesses is that no matter how big they are, if they want to survive, they need to think like a start-up.
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The state of Brand Management in Lebanon
A Brandcell Study
How do Lebanese Marketers view and develop their brands? Is Branding in Lebanon Healthy ? 
A survey among marketing professionals in Lebanon; April 2010.