Discover your customers ‘Job to be done’ with empathy interviews
People buy product & services to fulfill a need or for a ‘job-to-be-done’.
These jobs can vary tremendously:
Small things - pass the time while queuing; to regular tasks - pack a fast healthful lunch for my son to take to school; to the Self-fulfilling - buying a new premium watch.
Understanding why customers chose product A & not B is deeply related with the job this product is ntended to achieve in a given circumstance at both functional & emotional levels.
To uncover the insights that drive people’s behavior, relying on big data alone would only describe patterns & empirical correlations that often miss the true inner motivations.
When asked directly, people rarely know what they want, which makes traditional Q&A interviews unsuccessful. To overcome this barrier, empathy interviewing focuses on establishing a regular conversation, which encourages subjects to speak from the heart and talk about what’s really important to them and reveal why they behave a certain way.
Like a therapist, skilled empathy interviewing can draw out what the subject really thinks and feels about the human experience. The information we extract will show you where your customers are coming from and how they experience your brand.
The empathy map - One of the many mapping tools used by Brandcell
Observe users in their natural environment
When we pair this technique with other approaches, we gain a deeper sense of who your customers are and how you can deliver smart solutions:
Seeing your customers in a natural setting is an authentic approach that exposes not only which products they use, but also their feelings and utility for those also gives you instant snapshots of the interactions they have with your touch points uncovering the irritations or frustrations they may experience.
Understanding customers’ insights is key to develop innovative solutions, differentiating your business from the crowd and build a meaningful conversation with your audience leading to true brand loyalty that generate lasting revenues.
For additional information on how Brandcell's research methods can benefit your organisation or for any other details, please email us at or call us on 01 335417.