1- Bain & Company: “Our colleagues are legitimately smart and always interested in helping you progress your career.”

2- Facebook: “Great benefits, culture, mission. There is a lot to love about working at Facebook. Most employees believe strongly in the mission.”
3-Boston Consulting Group: “Great career progression, opportunity to learn, collaborative culture, very smart teams.”

4- Google: “Smart people, data-driven decisions and culture, a mission I can feel good about when I go to work.”

5- World Wide Technology: “Extremely caring towards their employees as well as their customers. The benefits are amazing."

6-Fast Enterprises: "The family atmosphere makes working together as a team satisfying and successful, as well as the out of office adventures and team building."

7-In-N-Out Burger: "Always busy, time flies, with hard work you move up pretty quickly, everyone is so nice and friendly, great positive atmosphere."

8-LinkedIn: "They truly invest in the professional development of employees. Very proactive at making sure that you're in a role you want to be in."

9-Adobe: "Great company culture, benefits and overall atmosphere to work. People are very open, knowledgeable and potential for advancement is very much available"

10-Power Home Remodeling: "The career growth opportunity is outstanding. Everyone in the office genuinely cares about each other and wants to see you be successful. Communication with upper management is incredibly easy also."

Source glassdoor